- Regarding use of the word Johrei® -

Johrei® is a trademark owned by the Johrei® Fellowship.

It is the Fellowship's contention that Johrei® and Reiki have no connection.

I agree. Paradoxically, however, it is also my belief that Iris Ishikuro, both a Takata-made Reiki Master and a member of the Fellowship, metaphysically blended the two energies together by her conscious will.

This resulted in a new and uniquely different energy.

Ishikuro did not use the word Johrei® in her Reiki practice.

Next in the energetic lineage of Vajra ReikiTM - Arthur Robertson, one of Ishikuro's Reiki Master students - also never used the word.  He coined, and used the term Raku Kei Reiki.

A student of Robertson's, James Davis, started the practice of combining the words Johrei® and Reiki to describe the Reiki energy and system founded by Ishikuro, in an attempt to recover its roots, as he perceived them.

I believe Mr. Davis did so in good faith ... in innocent ignorance of the consternation and difficulties it would cause for the Johrei® Fellowship.

Johrei® is neither an appropriate, nor legally-used, word for Reiki.

Out of respect for the Fellowship and the Trademark, I have consistantly attached the ® symbol to the word when discussing the Johrei® energy and Fellowship.

Because I must use the word in my discussion of the history of Vajra Reiki, I've chosen to attach a colored astrisk (*) to the word in such descriptions, to indicate the actually inappropriate - but historical - use of the word.

* Johrei® is a trademark owned by the Johrei® Fellowship *